Methods of aquaponics there are many different configurations of aquaponic systems. through the raft tank where the plants are grown and then back to the fish tank.. Floating raft construction - all about rafts. by . aquaponic rafts in your floating raft system will get fish and/or plants. your aquaponic raft boards should. Many plants are suitable for aquaponic systems, deep-water raft aquaponics: styrofoam rafts floating in a relatively deep aquaculture basin in troughs..
Aquaponics plants that have been proven to be very succes...

Aquaponics - wikipedia
How to setup aquaponics system at home - things to consider
Hybrid aquaponics – the marriage of media and raft. while most plants will grow in both media-based and raft-based aquaponics systems, many plants have a. What plants for aquaponics systems should you choose? for plants like lettuce, herbs or leafy greens, floating “raft” style beds are ideal..