Chop system. t he chop system is an acronym for “constant height one pump”. this is the most efficient way to run an aquaponics system. the basic principal is to use the force of gravity to assist us where possible.. Backyard aquaponics, chop system set up in phoenix, az. using 55 gallon blue barrels for both the fish tank and the grow beds as well as a 55 gallon aquariu.... The deficiencies of the aquaponics sump tank system were alleviated by the (re)discovery of the chop system. chop is an acronym for constant height/one pump..
Chop or constant height one pump has been adapted by aquaponics enthusiasts around the world now for the last few years since we coined the term.. About aquaponics: aquaponics chop 2 system plans pdf. aquaponics faq, all you need to know for a successfull aquaponics.. Chops stand for constant height one pump system, is murray hallam's system from practical aquaponics.this system reduce the number of pump required as in their earlier setup, and i can say its quite an ingenious system..